
Hidden Hive is an independent record label and film production company based in its twin homes of North London and North Wales.

Hidden Hive was formed in 2006, initially as a vehicle to release records by Gintis and State Sponsored Jukebox.

Hidden Hive’s first film project was a limited release of the ‘The Making of Bluffer’s Guide to the Flightdeck’ which documented the work of Flotation Toy Warning in the creation of their debut album.

In late 2007 Hidden Hive holed itself up in the Ship Inn, Trefriw and when we finally escaped the alcoholic haze that followed, a plan had appeared for the start of greater things to come.

Soon after, we commenced work on assembling the ambitious series of split singles under the banner of Kissing Kin. Twinning artists from different countries together, these beautifully packaged collector’s gems started their release in early 2008.

At the same time work started on Hive’s first feature length music documentary ‘Main Stage’. Filming is almost completed and you can find further info on the ideas behind the film elsewhere on this site.

Where to next?

Already a raft of ideas that should see the second feature length documentary underway in early 2009 and soon to come the debut album from the wondrous Silvarco.

Copyright © Hidden Hive